Three things that changed my business (and life)

Three things that have changed my business and transformed my life:

  1. My Journaling Practice:

    Each morning, I carve out 30 minutes to sit down with my journal. It's become an important ritual in my life. Sometimes, I use prompts to guide my thoughts, but more often than not, I just let what's in my head fall onto the paper. I jot down everything - the things that are going well, the tasks that need my attention, and the challenges I'm working through. I finish by listing five things I'm grateful for. This practice has been a game-changer for my mind. It acts as a release valve, clearing the clutter and making space for fresh ideas and creativity.

2. Embracing my unique strengths:

In the early days of my business, I would often find myself looking at other designers and feeling inadequate. I'd think, "Oh, they excel at X, I should figure out how to do that too!" But in doing so, I was neglecting my own set of skills and viewpoints that made me truly valuable to my clients. It took time and reflection to realize that by trying to be a jack-of-all-trades, I was diluting my own gifts. Now, when I feel the compare and despair creeping in, I gently remind myself of where my true value lies. Embracing what I am genuinely good at has allowed me to offer my clients something unique and irreplaceable, a perspective that only I can bring to the table.

3. Working with my actual dream clients

For a while, I believed that to elevate my business, I needed to focus on working with bigger brands and companies. However, after collaborating with a few of them, I quickly realized it wasn't for me. Working with larger businesses often meant dealing with layers of decision-makers, and the personal 1:1 interaction that I found so fulfilling with solopreneurs and small businesses was lost. It wasn't until I paused to reflect on what truly brings me joy that I realized my favorite part of the job was working alongside my clients, hearing their dreams, challenges, and passions. In fact, many of my clients have become lifelong friends. These collaborations not only fuel my creativity but also enrich my life in ways I never anticipated.

In summary, these three transformative practices have had a profound impact on both my business and my life. Starting each day with journaling grounds me and sets the stage for a positive mindset. Embracing my unique strengths has allowed me to offer my clients something truly valuable. And by working with people who align with my values, I've cultivated meaningful connections and experiences that continue to fuel my passion for design.

Do these tip resonate with you? I’d love to hear your take-aways! Please reach out here


Fey Creatives